Categories: Marriage Name Change

Changing Names after Marriage in BC

Marriage is the most common reason for changing names. In BC either spouse may take the other’s surname after marriage or keep their own.

A double-barrelled surname is where you add your spouse’s surname to your own, separated with either a space or a hyphen. Surnames can appear in either order. BC provincial authorities do NOT allow a double-barrelled surname unless you apply for a legal name change with BC Vital Statistics.

Get your marriage certificate

The only proof needed to use your married name is the official BC marriage certificate, issued by Vital Statistics. A marriage certificate is automatically posted to the couple 4 to 6 weeks after their wedding. The certificate is sent to the address provided when applying for your wedding licence. If you require a replacement certificate or additional copies you may order at any time from BC Vital Statistics. We can provide the application form via the button below.


Ready to start changing names?

Start by updating the name on your BC MSP, either online or by sending the Easy Name Change letter, included in your pack. MSP will mail confirmation of the change, then you can go on to change your driver’s license in person. Next, you may have 20 to 30 other organizations to notify. Save WEEKS contacting each one to learn which process to follow and what to send where! Get ready to send name change notifications in just 10 minutes! Get the correct form, letter or email for every company – no guesswork, no unnecessary waiting on hold!


Want to learn more?

Check out the current married name change trends for BC newlyweds!