Categories: Banking

McCoy Federal Credit Union

Before you visit a McCoy Federal Credit Union branch, you’ll first need to get an updated photo ID, so follow the steps below:

Start with an Easy Name Change kit

Choose all the places you need to notify of your new name and we provide personalized and ready to send name change forms, letters and emails. We provide detailed instructions for all your companies, so you won’t be left wondering what to do with any companies that don’t allow your name change request in writing.

See how much time we can save you!

1 Select companies  2 Complete forms  3 Sign & send!

File the SSA name change form

Take the form in person to any SSA location and your change is processed on the spot. We provide the form personalized, so it’s ready to file. We also list what proof documents you need to take.

Visit the DMV

No matter what state your license is from, you need to visit the state DMV to get it updated. Our instructions let you know what identity documents to take.

Next, visit banks and credit unions

Bank staff want to see original proof of name change and updated photo ID. Most financial institutions don’t have forms or let you book an appointment.

Send your Easy Name Change forms, letters and emails!

Each notification is personalized and ready to send! We list what proof to include on each notification and they are all pre-addressed, so no need to waste time on hold figuring this out.

Review our checklist for places to call, visit or log in

Each company is different, so you’ll probably have a few places that want to you call, visit their branch or log into your account. We’ve researched each company in our database, so you’ll have accurate instructions. No sending off generic letters that get rejected!