Categories: Married Name Change

Marriage vs Commemorative Certificates

You will be presented with a handwritten marriage certificate at your wedding. As this certificate does not have your family’s name history, a registration number and other security features it is unable to be used as evidence of your new name when applying for a passport or driver’s licence. This certificate is only a keepsake from your wedding day and can be framed or stored.

Official marriage certificates can be ordered from the Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages (BDM) in the state where you were married. We offer the application forms as part of your kit or you can order online from the state BDM website. A marriage certificate is the only official document needed as evidence of your new name; there’s no other formal process.

Simply inform each company you are using your new married name! A small number of companies may ask for extra supporting documents, like a certified copy of your driver’s licence or passport. Some companies will ask you to send in a special name change form.

How will I know which documents to send where?

Save yourself the hassle of contacting each company to learn what documents to send where! Our personalised name change kits provide a ready to send letter, email or form. Attach the proof documents listed and send them! It’s free to register and browse our database.