Categories: Communications


Changing your name with iPrimus is easy. You can request the iPrimus Change of Account Holder form directly from them or use the one provided in your Easy Name Change personalised kit.

See how much time we can save you!

1 Select companies  2 Complete forms  3 Sign & send!

As an Easy Name Change customer, the form will already have your old and new names, the reason for the change, and contact details. Once you complete the form, send it back using the pre-addressed letter and don’t forget to include any necessary supporting documents.

But if you prefer to handle the name change yourself, you’ll need to reach out to iPrimus to request the form and complete it on your own. Keep in mind that you’ll also have to contact every other organisation where you hold an account to find out their name change process, obtain any corresponding forms, and write letters or emails as needed. This entire process could take up to 8 hours.

However, with Easy Name Change, you can get all the information and paperwork you need in under 15 minutes!