Categories: Sports Clubs

Perth Racing

Managing your Perth Racing membership is a breeze as it’s not linked to any other record, making updates a straightforward process. Although you can wait for renewal notices at the season’s end, you can proactively handle your membership by obtaining the necessary information from us.

See how much time we can save you!

1 Select companies  2 Complete forms  3 Sign & send!

In case you’re changing your name, notifying Perth Racing is only one of around 15 organizations that require this update, and the procedures are typically more complex with other companies. They often require a written name change request or a designated form. But fret not! If you don’t want to go through the hassle of researching and writing letters and emails, our personalised name change kits can be of assistance. You can choose from over 500 Australian organisations to notify of your new name, and we’ll provide you with the relevant documents after you provide us with basic information.

Our company database is available for you to browse and select all the necessary organisations you need to notify. Once you’ve completed the checkout process, you’ll receive letters, forms, and emails addressed in your name, ready to be sent out. On average, notifying about 15 organisations of a name change could take around 5 hours of tedious administration, but with our service, you can save that time and effort. Plus, it’s free to register and browse our database, so why not start now?