Name Change Information

Name Change by State and Territory

Changing names has 2 parts. First, you need a proof document that must be issued by any Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages (BDM). You need to apply to the BDM office in the state or territory where the event took place. If you are applying for a legal name change, then apply in the state or territory where you were born. If you were born overseas you should apply to the registry where you currently live, however, you will need to provide documents proving you have lived in the state for 12 months prior to application. If you live in NSW then you need to prove residency over 3 years.

The second part of changing names is applying to each organisation to have your accounts, records and identification updated. This is where we save you about 8 hours of waiting on hold and completing paperwork. Start by choosing your companies here. Where one of our notifications says to attach a ‘copy of your certificate’, we mean your marriage, birth or legal name change certificate issued by any Australian BDM office.

Rather do your own waiting on hold and paperwork? Companies set internal policies as to what documents are required and how the change should be requested, eg: by sending an email, mailing a form or updating your profile settings. Get in contact with each company on your list to learn the process. Don’t forget to ask where it should be sent, what proof to include and if you need a certified copy or photocopy.

Get the guide for your state:

Get the contact details for your state or territory Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.